Major New Event

Bibliographic Information

  • Author(s) of article: Chris Duckett
  • Title of article:China shuttered 128,000 sites during 2017 internet crackdown
  • Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article:
  • Date article was published: January 09, 2018
  • Web address:

Summary Information

  • Discuss the effectiveness of the headline in summarizing the story and getting the reader’s attention. China had to shut down internet websites that contained harmful of obscene content.
  • Briefly describe the factual content of the story related to the lead: 5 W’s and the H.
  • Who: China
  • What: Shut down internet sites
  • When: 2017
  • Where: China
  • Why: They contained obscene or other “harmful” content
  • How: Removal of all VPN apps by Apple from the Chinese app store.*
  • Were all the 5 “W’s” and “H” answered? yes
  • Of all the 5 “W’s” and “H”, star the one you think is the most important. Tell why. They had to remove all of the apps. This was the most important thing they had to do.
  • Magnitude of the event in story Important to everyone
  • Is it international, national, or local? International
  • What is its impact? How many people were affected by it? About 1,900 people were affected.
  • Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article: China had to shut down lots of internet websites.
  • Facts in a news story are supposed to be arranged from most to least important.
  • Do you believe he author did this effectively?  No. He put some of the most important facts at the end of the story.

Reliability of Sources

  • Did the article come from a wire service? Yes
  • Who are the sources in the article itself? (Examples: lawyer, doctor, neighbor, police officer, forensics expert)Chinese law enforments
  • List one quote that made the article sound more reliable.”In other words, WeChat issued a blanket ban on his name after his death, greatly expanding the scope of censorship.”


Personal Reaction

  • What was the most surprising/interesting thing you found out by reading this article? The amount of websites they had to take down.
  • What question(s) do you have after reading this article? Why did they have those messages censored.
  • What would you like to learn more about? The Chinese government.


I think that some positive outcomes of cellphones are easier communication. With cellphones, people can call people when they need to and they can text or facetime. Instead of having a landline, people can communicate with others somewhere other than their own home. They can communicate with people anywhere they may be. I am not addicted to my phone because I don’t have it. I got it taken and I don’t think I will be getting it back any time soon, but when I did have it, I was on it a lot. I don’t think I was addicted to it, though.

Would You Rather pt.3

Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality?

I would rather be married to a 6 with an amazing personality because I want to marry someone who has common sense and is smart. I want the person I marry to be kind and respectful and not act completely dumb. I wouldn’t want to marry someone with a bad personality because  it would  be annoying having to deal with them all the time. I would hate having to try and tell them how to act right because I don’t like correcting people, but I don’t want to be embarrassed. That is why I chose what I chose.

Would You Rather pt.2

Would you rather be poor but help people or become incredibly rich by hurting people?

I would rather be poor but help people because I help people all the time. I dont like hurting people and I wouldn’t want to become rich by doing so. I would want to become successful on my own by working for it, not by hurting people. I would be poor because I could help people and I would know that I wasn’t hurting anyone. It is better to be kind to people than hurting them. That is what I would rather do and why.

Would You Rather pt.1

Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something that you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?

I would rather go to jail for 4 years for something I did not do. I would do that because I would not be able to live with myself if I did something horrible. Also, whenever I actually do something wrong, I get really anxious and worried that I am going to get caught. It is all I think about. So I would rather go to jail for something I didn’t do.


I think that it is not easy to keep privacy, but it is not dead. It is hard to keep privacy because of all of the drones and cameras. There are always drones following people around or trying to take pictures of people(mainly famous people, but still) and invading peoples space. There are still some people though, that don’t have to worry about that.


I think that people are more respectful in person that online because some people are nice to others face to face, but when they are online, it is easier for them to say hurtful things. Also, some people don’t care what they say to people online, but they wont say those things to them I person.

Human Rights

Human rights are unalienable and natural rights. Human rights can’t be taken away because they are the rights that you are born with. For example, your unalienable rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those rights are natural and unalienable and can not be taken away from you.

There are many situations where a persons rights may need to be violated, be they shouldn’t. If a person is using their human rights, they shouldn’t be violated unless they are abusing them a lot. For example, if someone is involved in a small fight, there rights shouldn’t be violated just because of a fight. They shouldn’t be violated.